close up photo of flowers

sunrise or sunset?

I love how the world succumbs to Midas touch during sunset. Everything glows and glitters with hues of fires and tangerines; tinctured with gold. It reminds me again how I used to love it more than sunrise. In an old blog post, I said: I love the sunset more than the sunrise. Sunrise sure does bestow hope. It makes … Continue reading sunrise or sunset?

What happens to the people we meet in passing?

They were so full of life and youth I literally wished on the stars that it wouldn't be taken away from them.


Ana Reyes added a photo: "Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love." vienna noreen: And I just realized this.. remember one of my blog posts? That's it! "Everything we love" makes us whole. Those make us feel whole. That explains the emptiness we feel when they … Continue reading CRACKS AND CREVICES