life, loss, and the things I have learned at 26

You can still build good moments in places where bad memories took place.

Are You Too Hard on Yourself?

If being hard on ourselves mean we just want to be the best version that we possibly can, then be it.

2019 new year

2018: The Year of Self-Sabotage and Self-Love

2017 was so eventful; all the changes that happened were in the form of destruction. Still, it brought lessons. 2018 is also eventful but in a completely different way. All changes that are happening now are focused on rebuilding the life I want.

Blogmas #3: What Is Your Idea of Self-Care?

Self-care is pushing yourself to the limits. Self-care is knowing that you can always do better; that you can always be better. In that sense, self-care is a mindset, too.

When was the last time you feel happy and contented?

Should I be happy to feel contented or should I be contented to be happy? I blog so much about happiness but not really about contentment, I believe. I saw a tweet from the Astro community that made me want to talk about it now. My Gemini ass just HAD to respond, so I said: … Continue reading When was the last time you feel happy and contented?

Blog Series: Bubbles of Gratitude #1

These are the things that I am grateful for—bubbles of different sizes I am encapsulating in a snow globe. There, I can’t pop it, and I’ll make sure I don’t break it either.

Read This If You Don’t Know What You Want

If we can't be entirely true to the people around us (because we all have this facade, walls, barricade, or whichever you call it, built up so high), let us at least be honest to ourselves.

We owe at least that to ourselves. Growth is painful.

What happens to the people we meet in passing?

They were so full of life and youth I literally wished on the stars that it wouldn't be taken away from them.